Disclaimer: Project Paintball is an independent, unaffiliated project
by JapanYoshi / theFIZZYnator (they're the same person).
I am in no way affiliated, contracted, or related to the
Splatoon development team or Nintendo. Please don't sue me :(
Ink the most turf to win!

• About

This is the page dedicated to Project Paintball, my version of the Splatoon in-game font.

If your web browser supports web fonts, then you are now browsing this page entirely in the font!

There is some information going around online that Splatoon uses a modified version of Josephine. This, in my opinion, could not be more wrong. Anyone with a little attention to detail could notice the glaring differences in over half of the letters. Even Gill Sans Extra Bold would be a closer approximation.

• Method

This font was not modified from Josephine. Instead, it was traced from in-game screenshots on Inkscape and put together on FontForge.

Some letters, such as Æ, Ø and ð were not found in the languages supported by Splatoon. In that case, those missing letters were drawn from scratch on Inkscape!

• Features

  • Loyal copy of Splatoon's in-game font*
  • Full support up to Latin Extended A
  • Dollar sign $, cent sign ¢, euro sign €, yen sign ¥, pound sign £
  • The following dingbats: ` † ‡ ¼ ½ ¾
  • Even expanded to Russian (Cyrillic alphabet)!
  • Arrows → &circlearrowr;
*This font is neither guaranteed nor implied to be an exact 1:1 copy of Splatoon's in-game font, just a very close approximation.

• To Be Added

  • Kerning
  • Possibly more letters/dingbats
  • Japanese (unlikely)

• Try It Yourself

Zapfish's Vexing Disappearance!
Hey, you. Yeah, you! Wanna be the
freshest squid on the block?
You've got a long way to go. Before
you battle, let's go over the basics!

Ça me fait peur de fêter noël là, sur cette île bizarroïde où une mère et sa môme essaient de me tuer avec un gâteau à la cigüe brûlé.

Zażółć gęślą jaźń
Eĥoŝanĝo ĉiuĵaŭde
Съешь ещё этих французских булок да выпей же чаю.

The contents of the boxes above can be rewritten!

• Download now!

deviantART (.OTF)
MediaFire mirror (.OTF, .TTF)
Google Drive mirror (.OTF, .TTF)

• Contact

In case of bugs, glitches, and things that don't look right, please hit me up at one of these places:

• License, sorta

Any personal or non-commercial use is allowed! Though if you do want to use it somewhere, hit me up just to let me know.

This font is a copy of an existing and likely copyrighted font by Nintendo, so any commercial use is highly not recommended.

No reuploads. However, you may package this font alongside other programs or apps.

• Changelog

Stay fresh!

- JapanYoshi

inserted by FC2 system